If receiving an Error message, please include screenshot with tech details expanded and any related files
if you are using 1st party data, only this client will have access to this audience
Please indicate month and year. Only 1 single month can be processed initially.
Please reference audience IDs per URL below. Separate the IDs with commas. https://datadriventv.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/TheSpot/Teams/Marketing/Ed2sarzTH6RBiWMU0ipiOc0BMHlraUmhNNK-LNwZaLhCaQ?e=aWq6gb
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Must provide: Company Name, Contact & Specifics as to what is being questioned, including any files or screenshots
Must provide screenshot or export with issue highlighted. Questions regarding Fulfillment Data: must provide proof of cross checking against DART or test WIP.
Please notate the Order# or WIP# in question
Please enter the details of your request & attach related files. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.
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